
Beach Energy (Beach) supplies the ongoing natural gas needs of Victorian homes, business and industry, through production at the Otway Gas Plant near Port Campbell and the Lang Lang Gas Plant, 80kms south-east of Melbourne CBD.

To ensure ongoing supply, subject to internal and external approvals, Beach is planning to drill offshore exploration and appraisal wells in its existing permits in the offshore Otway Basin and connect successful wells to the existing pipeline for gas to be produced at the Otway Gas Plant near Port Campbell (see location map below).

In order to produce gas from new offshore wells, Beach requires an Offshore Project Proposal (OPP) to be accepted by the National Offshore Petroleum Safety Environment Management Authority (NOPSEMA).

The OPP process is the first phase of environmental assessment and approval provided for under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage (Environment) Regulations 2023 for new petroleum development projects in Commonwealth waters. The OPP assessment process provides an opportunity for interested members of the public to comment on the project for consideration by Beach. NOPSEMA will also consider comments when deciding whether to accept the OPP.

Beach’s Offshore Gas Victoria Project - Drilling and Plug & Abandonment Environment Plan (EP) is currently under assessment by NOPSEMA following a public comment period that closed on 28 March 2024. The Offshore Gas Project – Otway OPP is required in order for Beach to submit future EPs for activities to connect the wells, should the wells be found to be viable through the exploration and appraisal activities.

The OPP public comment period was open from 18 March 2024 until 20 May 2024.

Location map

Click on the maps below to view the project area.