
The Otway Basin is approximately 500 kilometres long from Cape Jaffa in South Australia to north west Tasmania and covers both onshore and offshore activities. Beach holds the majority of its exploration licences in the Penola Trough in the South East. It has been explored for hydrocarbons (oil and gas) for over 100 years.

Beach is the permit holder of Petroleum Production License 62 (PPL62) in the Otway Basin where it operates the Katnook Gas Processing Facility, just south of Penola.

Beach’s operations in South Australia’s Otway Basin have been supported by grants from the South Australian Government’s PACE scheme, and the Commonwealth Government’s Gas Acceleration Program, both with objectives to bring new gas into the local energy market.

Current operations

For more than 10 years, Beach’s operations in the South East of South Australia have included a multi-well gas production program and seismic surveys to help safely identify natural conventional gas resources within our existing exploration permits and production licences.

In early 2022, Beach successfully completed the Dombey 3D Geological Survey.

It was conducted 15 kilometre west of Penola in the Wattle Range Council area. The survey covered an area of 165 square kilometres, over a range of properties with various land uses.

Beach’s Dombey Survey was announced the winner of the 2022 Premier's Awards for Energy and Mining for the innovative approach, eliminating the need for clearing native vegetation, better protecting local wildlife habitats and minimising impact to landholders.